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About Me

Museomics Epigenetics Conservation


I use molecular data to investigate how wildlife responds to current and historical environmental change. I am a Research Scientist at the Australian National Wildlife Collection (CSIRO) where I am developing new techniques to extract molecular information from unexpected places. I am leading projects designing platforms to capture airborne environmental DNA and I advise on a number of projects using approaches I have developed to extract historical gene expression information from century-old museum specimens preserved in formalin.


Recent News

Survey: Community perspectives on #eDNA ethics

This survey by @Dr_bat_girl (Prof Elizabeth Clare) investigates end users knowledge and concern about the ethical issues of eDNA use.

Link and more info:

!!! Abstract deadline reminder !!!

The call for abstracts for the 2nd AUS / NZ eDNA conference closes in LESS THAN A MONTH – AUGUST 16th!

We welcome submissions from anyone researching or using #eDNA methods in Australia, New Zealand, and beyond

MASSIVE thank you to the sponsors of the #AirDNA conference!

@AGRF_genomics @illumina @eDNAfrontiers @thermofisher @wilderlabnz @CSIRO @enviro_DNA Sequench and the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis

Exciting News!!! The Southern eDNA Society is now open for membership!

Become a member here:

Benefits include:
🔹 Discounted fees for our 2025 conference in Wellington, NZ
🔹 15% off publication fees
🔹 Regular newsletters

#eDNA #environmentalDNA

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